May 9, 2010

'IQ' of Ladies, for Gentelmen

The Intelligence quotient is never generalised. It is always relative to the same age group and is always age dependent. In fact the absolute way of calculating IQ is

Mental Age
----------------- x (100)
Chronological Age

The chronological age means the actual age since your birth. And the mental age is calculated on the basis of a particular test. For knowing your accurate IQ level, you must always refer to your psychologist. He/she will assess you and check out your level. But you can also get a reliable and approximate result online. Many websites offer this and produce results based on the Gauss bell curve. The Mensa level is supposed to be of IQ 130. It is assumed that the IQ of 100 is the average i.e. most of the people are of the same mental maturity as that should be according to the nature of age. As the level keeps on increasing to 110, you are at intelligent quiet enough. At 120 you are an excellent and at 140, you are a genius.

The level of 132 means you are among top 2% people of the world.
The level of 134 means you are among top 1% people of the world.

Some of the most intellectual men ever born on this earth are no more today. At that time the testing of IQ wasn't present. It arouse in early 1800's. Still, on the basis of the work which those men/women left behind, professional psychoanalysts studied them and calculated their IQ

Few of them are as under

Leonardo da Vinci : 220
Pascal : 195
Issac Newton : 190
Michaelangelo : 180
Galileo : 185
Kepler : 175
Darwin : 165
Mozart : 165
Einstein : 160
Copernicus : 160
Hitler : 141
(Source : )

The famous mathematician Leibniz had IQ of 205. It means that at the age of 10, he could think like that of a man of age 20.5 years.

Among the so called best chess players ever born, Gary Kasparov is said to have IQ of 190 and Bobby Fischer had 187. The bell curve of Gauss states that those above 120 are very super intelligent and 90-109 are Normal. Below 90 is a border-line minute mental deficiency and below score of 35 is sever mental retardation.

Knowing this, I was too eager to know my own IQ. I gave tests on various websites and my score varied between 137 to 146.

Check out your own scores. But let me tell you something. The online tests are not the zenith. They are just an estimate. If you get a score of about 90-100, you are absolutely normal. One can't judge your all ability just on the basis of 30 questions. Sometimes, they are also language dependent. If your mother tongue is not US English and you are giving test in English, it is very probable that your test will underestimate you and results may vary even at the standard deviation of 15.

While checking the IQ of a 10 year old girl, she was asked to name as many words as possible in 30 seconds. And she went on speaking "One, Two, Three, Four......" and finished upto 82. In fact, she even over passed the question. So, it's not always that the tests are accurate and your lateral thinking is also covered. But somehow, the website regulators have managed to keep a basic standard on the psychological analysis which makes the online tests very much reliable.

The highest IQ I have ever heard belongs to Marilyn Vos Savant with a score of 228. She is an author, a columnist in an American magazine, and a lecturer. The Guinness book of world record goes to her for the highest IQ and here we know that she is a woman. After her is Chris Langan at 207. What a gap!!!

I told all this because few days back, one of you girls reported me that some of your ill-mannered classmate boys say that me, the Richa Sorot can't be a girl because girls don't have that much brain. Bloody hell to this male dominant society. I don't argue on me being a male or a female. But I argue on the cheap mentality of such boys who treat as if girls are mentally week. Next time, when any of the boys say so, just slap him hard once from my side and show them that girls are no less. We are proud to be born as girls.

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